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Sapotem Lokol Toursim

Adela Issachar Aru - CEO's Foreword 

 Adela IssacharThe Vanuatu Tourism Office is excited to release our Domestic Tourism Marketing Strategy 2021-2023.

This new strategy is just another way that VTO is Answering the Call of Vanuatu.

One of the few positives to emerge from the global Covid-19 pandemic is the opportunity that it has given us to trial our domestic tourism marketing campaign, Sapotem Lokol Turisim.

We have been trialing this campaign to encourage more Ni-Vanuatu and expatriate residents to experience more of what Vanuatu has to offer.  Read more 



Domestic Tourism Marketing Strategy 2021 - 2023 


The development of a Domestic Tourism Marketing Strategy guides the VTO’s domestic tourism marketing initiatives in the medium to long term and has the potential to generate revenue for local tourism businesses by stimulating demand for offers aimed at domestic tourists.

The goals of the Domestic Tourism Marketing Strategy are to:

1. Provide short term revenue streams for the tourism industry while borders are closed;

2. Encourage the domestic market to make a habit of using tourism businesses as part of their everyday lives;

3. Encourage the domestic market to see more of Vanuatu, and drive dispersal of domestic tourists to businesses beyond Efate.

Click on the image to download your copy of the strategy. 







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