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This page sheds light on updates for international media, and Vanuatu Tourism's trade and travel clienteles and agents around the globe.

YEAR 2023

22.11.2023 Media Release - Malampa Provincial Government Endorses Tourist and Travel Information Services Office in Lakatoro, Malekula

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The Malampa Provincial Government has endorsed requests for the expansion and extension of tourist and travel information services in Lakatoro, Malekula Island, at its last Council meeting held at Nimbaur on 12th November, 2023.Read More

16.10.2023 Media Release -China Tourism Market Ready Workshop Underway for the Tourism Industry


The Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO), in partnership with the China Ready Program hosted by Mr. Marcus Lee, CEO of China Travel Online, delivered the first China Tourism Market Ready Workshop at Warwick Le Lagon Resort in the presence of 30 industry operators joining from Port Vila, Santo, and Tanna. Read More

13.10.2023 Media Release -Vanuatu Tourism Office Shines Spotlight on Island Paradise in Recent Travel Guides Episode

travel guide

The Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO) is thrilled to announce the recent feature of Vanuatu in the acclaimed travel series, "Travel Guides." The episode aired in May in Australia and just five days ago in New Zealand, provides an immersive glimpse into Vanuatu's natural wonders, cultural richness, and hospitality. Read more

16.08.2023 Media Release - University of the South Pacific student Visual Arts Competition Celebrates Creativity & Cultural Diversity


The Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO) proudly announced its sponsorship for the 1 st ever Visual Arts Competition organized by the University of the South Pacific. The theme “OCEANIA HOPE” is focused on creating a new image around HOPE through resilience after the country’s Pandemic of Covid-19, lockdown, and alarming effects and consequences caused by the Climate Change (Cyclones, tsunamis, and earthquakes). Read more.

16.08.23 Media Release - Re-building the Yacht Niche Market for Vanuatu Tourism

Yacht tourism 

Since April, 2023, the Department of Tourism (DoT) and the Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO) have increased efforts in reviewing and actioning the implementation of some priority activities enlisted in the Vanuatu Sustainable Cruise Tourism Development Strategy 2020, to aid the sector recovery. One of the key components identified was the rebuilding of the yachting niche market, by undertaking further research to support key opportunities in both destination development and market access for strengthening this sub-sector. Read more.

YEAR 2022

14.06.22 Media Release - Virgin Australia Announces Return to Vanuatu

virgin australia crew

The Vanuatu Tourism Office has welcomed Virgin Australia’s announcement today that it will start direct services from Brisbane to Port Vila, Vanuatu from 10 March 2023, with up to five (5) flights a week.

With Vanuatu’s borders opening to Australian travellers on July 1st 2022, the Vanuatu Tourism Office reports it expects the island destination to be very popular with both families and couples looking for a nature-based escape close to Australia.

Vanuatu Tourism Office’s Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Adela Issachar Aru, says the return of Virgin Australia to Vanuatu in March, will give travelers even more choice when planning their travels to Vanuatu. Read more.

01.06.22 Industry Release - Less than 30 days to go before we welcome our first Quarantine-FREE Travelers!

re opening 1st July JUNE PIC

Industry Update – ending 29 May 2022

It’s another week and the team at VTO has been actively working, to align with health travel protocols, marketing campaign relaunch and messaging, social media activities and destination brand positioning, aviation and cruise readiness programs etc., ahead of our much-anticipated border reopening in 30 days.

While the excitement and the prospect of the back to business continues to grow, we also acknowledge the many challenges ahead of us – one of those include the labor shortage. Read more

23.05.22 Industry Release - Only 40 more days to go until we welcome our first QUARANTINE-FREE Travelers!

returning to vanuatu

We hope that you are all safe and well in all this rain, after the short passage of TC Gina. It is really the last thing we need at the moment. It has been an interesting week. From zoom meetings, review of planning, reconnections with trade partners, site visits into different local properties etc. We are now 40 days before the 01 July 2022.


We are excited to announce that SANMA Province and the Torres Group are now on Recovery Level 1. This means they will be able to welcome international visitors back from 1 July when borders re-open.
Other islands and provinces currently on Recovery Level 2 and Alert level 1 & 3 will continue to be monitored by the Ministry of Health. Read more.

15.05.22 Industry Release - Only 47 more days until the border opens!

47 days to0go vanuatu

News, Updates and information

The Ministry of Health has updated the Roadmap to Safe Border Reopening (Version 3 – 11 May 2022), which also highlights the new travel protocols and testing regime, under Recovery Level 1 (lift most restrictions), ahead of the border reopening in July 2022. Read more.

10.05.22 Media Release - Preparing Border Reopening Aviation Connectivity through collaborative marketing initiatives between the VTO and Air Vanuatu

airvan vto

Today, the Vanuatu Tourism Office and Air Vanuatu signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to further strengthen their marketing partnerships, as the country is gearing up for the reopening of its borders to international travelers, in July 2022. This partnership is not new; however, it aims to guide the parties identified and planned marketing initiatives towards the development of the international and domestic tourism market, addressing the reopening of the borders and the recovery of the travel and tourism business in Vanuatu. Read more.

09.05.22 Industry Release - Time to get Tourism Ready!

time to get ready

Its only 8 weeks until we welcome our first visitors to Vanuatu!

Last week has seen the team move away from the Tourism Ready phase, which the Department of Tourism (DOT) will continue working on, to our next two phases of the Tourism Recovery Road Map – Market Ready and Market Opening. Both our local and international teams are focused on their plans and bringing life to these activities ensuring all our partners and stakeholders are ready to have visitors Answer the Call of Vanuatu from 1st July 2022. Read more.

03.05.22 - Answer the Call of Vanuatu in July 2022

ALcinaCharley MTV

Another busy week for the team as we work to establish protocols for safe borders opening on the 1st of July 2022 and to welcome back visitors to Vanuatu. We’ve continued to collaborate with our many partners both on the ground in Vanuatu and offshore to establish clear pathways forward, ensuring we have everything covered as we work through our Tourism Ready phase of the Border Reopening Plan. Read more.

 28.04.22 - Quarantine-free travel from 1 July 2022

air vanuatu

The Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO) is excited to announce that Vanuatu will open its borders to fully-vaccinated international travelers from 1 July, 2022 with no quarantine or arrival caps, with agents able to book their clients on flights to Port Vila with the country’s national carrier, Air Vanuatu. Read more.

22.04.22 - VTO's preparation for 1st July continues

vanuatu reopening borders 1july22

It has been a busy week for the VTO team, many meetings have been attended, action plans put in place and now being worked on as we speak. It is so exciting to finally be talking about tourists being able to Answer the Call of Vanuatu again. This update is to share with industry what we have been doing this past week, we know communication is very important especially as we work together towards the border opening on the 1st July. Read more.

15.04.22: VTO getting Tourism Ready towards July 1st 

tourism getting ready

It’s been a week since the Prime Minister, Hon. Bob Loughman Weibur announced our borders will be open for tourists and all international visitors on 1 July 2022 to Answer The Call of Vanuatu! The VTO team have been busy moving into the “Tourism Ready” phase of our border re-opening plans and focusing towards the “Marketing Ready” phase. Read more.

08.04.22: It’s all happening in July - Vanuatu announced the reopening of its borders in 2022

Border re opening mailchimp April

What wonderful news from the Prime Minister, Hon. Bob Loughman Weibur today. Our borders will be open for tourists and all international visitors on 1 July 2022!! to Answer The Call of Vanuatu! That is only 84 more sleeps. Read more.

15.03.22: A Clean, Caring, & Checked Tourism Business in Vanuatu


Friday 25 March 2022

Vanuatu tourism businesses are going through the certification process to get ‘Clean, Caring and Checked’ under the SBO checking process, undertaken by the Vanuatu Government Department of Tourism. Read more.

Vanuatu Releases Health Roadmap to Border Reopening

covid roadmap vangov

Tuesday 1 March 2022
The Vanuatu Ministry of Health has released the plan which points towards relaxing staged entry conditions to Vanuatu. To date, Vanuatu has had an excellent record managing their borders, repatriating over 8000 people who have undertaken 14 days of mandatory quarantine. Read more

Watch this page for more industry updates coming soon !