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Talk to Santo Travel Call Center

Our friends in Santo will be able to assist with all your booking enquiries. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the staff will be able to assist. 

Air Vanuatu

Air Vanuatu serves Pentecost twice a week. Passengers travelling on Air Vanuatu international ticket receive a 20% discount on domestic fares. Visit the airline's website for schedules and fares.

By Boat

Many boats dock up on the west coast of Pentecost from Santo, and if the boat is coming in from neighbouring islands including Efate. MV Brisk and Tina-1 are regular and reliable. The best places to embark are Loltong, Bwatnapni, Melsisi and Ranwadi. The one-way trip between South Pentecost and Santo is around 4000 Vatu.

Transport around the island

Several dirt roads and tracks connect the different villages of Pentecost, however, the transport is relatively expensive because of the conditions of the tracks and there is no regular service. If you stroll on foot, do not hesitate to try the pickups that go by as the drivers will be happy to drop you at your next destination/village.

Below are transportation prices from a range of stop points (share cost):

Sara Airport - Loltong 3,000vt per trip
Sara Airport - Bwatnapni 8,000 per trip
Lonorore Airport - Bwatnapni 6,000+ per trip
Lonorore Airport - Pangi 3,000 per trip