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Naversa Cultural Tour at Wala

Tours Malampa

Phone: +678 48888
Mobile: +678 7748030


If you’re short on time but keen on a concentrated cultural experience then this is a great option. With a light lunch included, the tour offers an culture-packed insight into the Naversa tribe’s way of life.


On arrival you will be welcomed by the rhythmic drumming of the tam-tam – or the slit gong. Dressed in traditional costume, the woman of the tribe will greet you with salu-salu – a welcoming necklace, before taking you into their bush kitchen where they are preparing local kae kae (food). While lunch is cooking you will visit the village nakamal (a traditional meeting house). Here your guide will explain the nakamal’s social importance and the ceremonies that take place in this communal space. Ever wondered about what happens at a pig killing ceremony? – Well, this is where you can hear about it!

Map & Directions

Lakatoro Malekula Vanuatu


loation is at lakatoro malekula island vanuatu
