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Big Nambas Trek

Tours Malampa

Phone: +678 48888
Mobile: +678 7748030


A challenging yet rewarding one day trek that takes you up through the coastal jungle and gardens of North West Malekula crossing Big Nambas territories and visiting local Francophone and English communities before arriving at spectacular Tenmaru to view the sunset on the black-sand beach and take a refreshing swim the in cool waters.


An energetic and rewarding one-day trek that takes you up through the coastal jungle and gardens of North West Malekula crossing the Big Nambas territories and visiting local Francophone and English communities before arriving at spectacular Tenmaru to view the sunset on the black-sand beach and take a refreshing swim.

Map & Directions

Big Nambas Trek, Malekula, Norsup, Vanuatu


Lakatoro/Norsup to Pikayer by 4WD transfer: driving time 1.5 - 2 hours. To Tenmaru by foot: walking time 4-6 hours.
