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Eco Dive Vanuatu

Tours Luganville

Phone: +61 422459064
Mobile: +678 7770111


We don't focus on dive spots every other dive center uses. Our dive sites are all discovered by us. We are the only dive center that travels the entire East coast of Espiritu Santo discovering and logging new dive sites.


Our customers can expect pristine virgin reefs that have never been seen before or by very few. Usually at depths ranging from 10 -30 meters.

We were the first to discover the rare "bird cage" Corsair aircraft as well as the prehistoric Nautilus off the East coast of Santo.

The Nautilus has remained the same for the past 400 million years and are known as living fossils. They live at a depth of 300 meters but have been seen as deep as 700 meters. At night they rise to 100 meters to feed.

There are only 3 places in the world where they enter the shallows and Vanuatu is one of those places. Our guests can expect to explore the unexplored, see the unseen, discove the undiscovered.

Map & Directions

eco dive vanuatu
