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Calendrier des événements et des festivals

Vanuatu accueille une grande variété de festivals culturels, d'événements musicaux, de conférences et d'événements sportifs tout au long de l'année en plus de nombreuses attractions touristiques à travers le pays.

Des courses hippiques, des événements musicaux Fest'Napuan, des compétitions d'aviron, des concours de cuisine régionale Barista et Salon Culinaire, à la maison de ce qui est communément connu dans le monde comme «saut à l'élastique», Nagol sur l'île de Pentecôte (avril à juin), Vanuatu a quelque chose pour tout le monde pour cette expérience mémorable à la maison.

Unity Day in Vanuatu

Annual At Vanuatu Port Vila, Vanuatu

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Wednesday 29th November
6:42 - 10:42am

Tags: unity day in vanuatu, public holiday, observances in vanuatu, vanua'aku party


The Republic of Vanuatu consists of 83 relatively small islands, where people speak 113 languages. Unity Day, celebrated every year on November 29, was created to unite all peoples of Vanuatu into one single nation.

Unity Day was established on November 29 to commemorate the events of 1977, that led to great losses of lives. In the early 1970's the first political party the New Hebrides National Party was established, it was renamed in the Vanua'aku Party in 1974. The party was primarily supported by the English-speaking population of Vanuatu. Later other parties, mainly supported by the French, were also established. Vanua'aku Party opposed other parties and proclaimed the creation of the provisional government in 1977. The leaders of the party tried to raise a flag over the headquarters in Port Vila, but this action was resisted by the police.

The celebration of Unity Day should unite the numerous tribal groups of Vanuatu, that is why representatives of all Vanuatu peoples annually come to Port Vila to attend the festivals and watch the traditional dress parade. Ordinary citizens enjoy the day by camping or with picnics.

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