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Mahogany Treehouse & Camping

Treehouse Port Olry

Phone: +678 5983585
Mobile: +678 7610397


The most exquisite and unique tree house bungalow santo has to offer.


Attractive, comfortable and quiet sea-front bungalows for tourists. Your host Quiros speaks both English and French. It is about 1 hour max by truck from Luganville town.

The fascinating bungalow is built in a traditional style setting on top of a tree trunk. The bungalow has 1 double and 1 single bed, plus a private, modern hot solar shower in it and toilet facilities.

It has a precise exceptional sea-front view of Port Orly Harbour and is a great place to relax while exploring the East Coast.

Map & Directions

Mahogany tree house , port olry, Luganville, Vanuatu
